

92 Bowery St., NY 10013


+1 800 123 456 789


With  Schools.

The school environment contributes a lot towards the stay of the child in school. Most of the government schools in Namasagali sub-county are operating in dilapidated structures, with even some of the classes operating under trees. During the rainy season it is therefore difficult for teachers to conduct teaching. Interventions are therefore required to improve these schools.

Proposed Projects:
  • Infrastructure Improvement Project for Needy Schools.
    If we get donor funding we shall renovate infrastructure in some of the needy public schools that we have already identified in Namasagali sub-county.  This will go along way in encouraging children to stay in school.
  • Mindset Change Project for Children and Youth in School.
    Most of the learners in schools in rural areas in Uganda understand life issues basing on what they hear in the rural communities where they live.  A girl child in school still believes the girls can go no where in education. We therefore want to cause mindset change to influence these learners to stop involving in behaviours which they indulge in due to their understanding of life issues. We plan to create model schools, one in each parish with a talking compound with messages that will motivate a child to stay in school.
  • Awareness Campaigns on Sexual Reproductive Health among Children and Youth
    Most of the teenage pregnancies registered in Namasagali sub-county are a result   of lack of result awareness about sexual reproductive health issues among young people. Though reproductive health information can be provided by health workers at health facilities few young people are invited to attend SRH seminars held at health centres. Hope for the Rural Child Foundation Namasagali shall work with staff at Namasagali Health Centre III to conduct SHR seminars in schools and villages during holidays. Such seminars shall always focus on the dangers of teenage sex, dangers of sexually transmitted diseases and other SRH issues.